In a time when retail opportunities saturate the market, when few tenants provide the creditworthiness a savvy owner requires, and with expansion moves limited, there exists a great need for creativity. Times have changed, but the simple economics of supply and demand have not. For retail leasing, you must differentiate your property from the competition. GK|CRE’s “Concept” Marketing, a leasing method that focuses on the “idea” to initially attract tenants to the space, creates an emotional bond to the real estate and results in a connection unattainable through traditional marketing.
Most real estate marketing uses a push method, sending out the message (mainly to agents) that a property is available through signage, Internet database listings, and cold calling. “Concept” Marketing is pull marketing and is about ideas, relationships, and enticing the end user. For “Concept” Marketing, the right concept is created, the right networking is utilized, and then the prospect tenant is introduced to the idea in an environment that is comfortable to them.
The beauty of “Concept” Marketing is that even if the idea is not what the tenant ultimately desires, it gets their creative juices flowing and has them thinking about how their version of the idea (retail, restaurant, entertainment, arts, lifestyle, sports etc.) will work. This sparks a subconscious connection to the real estate and begins an emotional interest that is significantly stronger than simply driving by a property and seeing a “For Lease” sign.
That’s how we roll.